WWW 30th July 2014

Now that really was amazing. Really, really amazing. I reckon everybody's Christmas list will have one. Out for our picnic walk. The sun had eased and a nice, gentle breeze had arrived. Out from Lane End with the red flags fluttering and gentle gunfire. So down we went to the wall corner, over the Tavy before heading round Standon keeping outside the flags until Fur Tor came into view. On we went, quite near the Meads, very brave, before the pull up to the wonderful tor and a perfect picnic spot. And then he assembled it and off it went, up and away like a busy wasp. So, we had to have a team photo like none before. Time to go so we headed out to find the ancient peat track that goes down to Baggator. At the head of the track a post - very nice. We carefully windled our way down the track before heading off for Standon Hill and a snack. Back and across the Tavy to the cars. Perfect weather for a walk.

You really do have to be there ...
