WW 23rd July 2014

Now that was rather an odd evening, some might even say weird. Just what is going on? 23°C at 7.30 in the evening to set off over Yar Tor. And down to explore Rogue's Roost from where the sheep rustlers roamed. Along the lane over a Walla Brook to ancient Babeny and back out onto the open moor in the full sun. Over the ancient stepping stones for a very brief cuppa. Not a breath of wind, really not a breath, not a leaf stirred. Our esteemed leader being uniquely bothered by flying ants hastened on. Along the ridge of Corndon Down to the giant stone cairn and on to Corndon Tor. Past the monument, to the cars, and the PoW, and it still was 18°C, how weird is that?

You really do have to be there ...
