Whatever can it be?
Really fantastic
Hidden away
On Roughtor plantation
A real chasm
A crevasse no less
It looks natural
Very odd for granite
What a superb place
Probably best kept a secret
Out from a very, very busy scout hut
To Yellowmead stone circles
And onward
To Roughtor
Where we found
The higher and lower tors
Then down
By the recently created tracks
To the chasm
With its rock bridge
Who knows what it was
Then on to find a clearing for a cuppa
Popping out onto the moor
When the rain gently appeared at 1200
Then winding on to Whittenknowle
The threshing floor
Hut circles
And, possibly, longhouses
Round to the main track
Back to the cars as the rain steadied
To the Royal Oak
Which was quite quiet
For a most pleasant lunch