WW 29th June 2016

Just what is going on? How can it possibly be? Has something happened? Whatever next ...
Moorland pubs that close at 10 p.m. Moorland inns that stop serving when damp thirsty people are there. Thank goodness for a bit of reliability, a steady hand, a place which knows what is what. Thank goodness for the dear PoW.
After a most pleasant wander round . Out from the Warren House and over to Birch on a proper summer's evening. Along to Hookney and down to Grimspound for a welcome cuppa. The monkey puzzles beckoned but the alpacas have departed. Past the rabbit proof wall and to the fairy houses. Curly sheep caused a lot of interest before rounding the corner to Golden Dagger. The ever wet track took us to Vitifer where the twisted Elder stood out as the skies darkened. On to the Warren House, all ready for another draught of Summer Ale. But NO, we were turfed out before we had got in. Back up plan obvious. Speed to the Two Bridges where residents would ensure a jar or more. But no, they too spurned our company. Only one place, the PoW which welcomed us with open arms and provided more than one drink for some.

You really do have to be there ...
