WW 15th June 2016
Statts Bridge on one of the longest days. The rain was just encouraging enough to don waterproofs. Along the ancient track to Caroline Farm to admire the fireplaces. And onwards to Assycombe where some new recruits were being tested. The D stone was the opportunity for a rest as the mist swirled around Fernworthy. Down, down enjoying the recently revived bogs and even more down to West Vitifer Mine, where the cuppa stop was somewhat curtailed by the advancing midges. Over the Walla Brook and steeply up to the road by the ER telecom marker. A track led us to Birch Tor from where the Warren House shone out. Down to Vitifer Mine and the trackway to the pub, and a very nice man set off to give us a lift. The Warren House was warm and welcoming and the Black Tor beer slipped down a treat. An interesting part of the moor.