TWW 17th January 2017

And there they were, waiting for us, what a treat, so nice to see deer on our moor. Out from Holne car park where we managed to walk past the tea shop selling fresh coffee. And down, down the Dartmoor Way to wend to Scoriton. The long track, part of the Two Moors Way, took us out by the deer park, where they were all waiting for us. By the Down to pop out onto the open moor for a nice cuppa on a very mild day. By one of many leats to make our way back to the road. A steady trek took us back to the cars (no one must mention the Emu!). After such a long wait the Forest Inn was closed - Tuesday you know. To Prince Hall where a most beauteous table had been laid for a sumptuous luncheon followed by most excellent coffee.
All in all a most pleasant morning/day.

You really do have to be there ...
