WW 18th January 2017

Remember; we were absolutely, absolutely guaranteed snow. So now payout time. We all got our money back for this week's walk and will have a free walk next Wednesday - so be there! On a perfect starlit evening with the Milky Way, clearly visible, shining right over us. Venus and Sirius stood out on this moonless evening. From Two Bridges on the so, so, so familiar route. Full ascents were made of every tor; Littaford, Little Bee, Lower Longaford, Longaford and Higher White. Longaford provided shelter from the cool easterly for a cuppa and star gaze. Down by the wall where we still expected snow drifts - what a disappointment.  On to pick up the tracks by Wistman's. Past the Buller stone to the cars. The Two Bridges is undergoing a refurb so on to the ever reliable and cosy PoW.

You really do have to be there ...
