WW 11th January 2017

Not too bad at all, in fact quite a pleasant evening. The milky moon shone bright enough to manage without torches for some time. Firing on Merrivale so a somewhat technical route was required from Bagga Tor. Down the ancient trackway to find the gate to pop out under Standon. Out onto the moor to find the settlements before turning to head towards Fur Tor which could clearly be seen. The workings at Western Red Lake provided a nice spot for a cuppa as we admired the infamous Meads beyond. The range markers and quad tracks bent us back by the 1903 Willsworthy WD stones. The tricksy gate was found then somewhat plodgily by the range hut on the track. Back to the cars and lately to the closed Peter Tavy Inn. So reliably into Tavi for nice cheap beer in the pub that never shuts.

You really do have to be there ...
