TWW 10th December 2019

Now that was nice; some real, proper weather for a change. From Combestone as the gale whipped through and down to cross the leat. Over the Aller Brook bridge and round under the tor to the pipe walk. To step neatly down and paddle across Venford Brook. Up and on to Bench where allegedly are the finest views on the moor - mind you it was quite dramatic today. Shelter was found for a cuppa then time to turn and face the gale. Along the ridge and across the dam. Steadily up and across to Horn's Cross. Then, with the wind and weather behind us back to the cars. The very busy Two Bridges had prepared a very nice table and the warming grub soon arrived.
A jolly fine day to be out and about and test just how waterproof those waterproofs really are.

You really do have to be there ...
