TWW 17th December 2019
A snowdrift, well fancy that!
A really nice, warm morning to set out from Merrivale, hardly a breath of wind and a warming sun. Down along the lane over Little Wonder Bridge on the Pila Brook. The old trackway gently took us under Hucken Tor and to Daveytown. Along, along then down to Ward Bridge to admire the Walkham. A nice spot was found for a cuppa before heading up the old road to pop out under Pew. The trackway bent out by Heckwood where the Devil's Fingers must lie and down to cross the stream by Vixen. Back along to admire the horse, goat and geese by the Dartmoor Inn. On to a quiet Walkhampton Inn where a large table had been laid for us.
A very nice, gentle day to be out and about.