TWW 24th December 2019 - Christmas Eve
A brooding overcast start for five of us from the very busy Norsworthy along the track to Deancombe, a gentle climb to Cuckoo Rock and on to Combeshead Tor, on to Down Tor stone Row. A squelchy stroll to the leat tunnel near Siwards Cross where we stopped for elevenses and to “WhatsApp” catch up with our buddies in Hong Kong. As we left the breeze became a wind and the heavens opened as we pressed on along the leat to Older Bridge, along the leat to Crazy Well Pool. The intention had been to have a picnic on the sunlit shore, but it was thought that soggy mince pies was not a good idea!! Met up with two of our drowned rat fellow walkers and pressed on to skirt round the NE edge of Raddick plantation, down to the River Meavy, along the track passed Leather Tor bridge back to the cars. A very wet walk with our picnic being held in the cars!!!