TWW 3rd March 2020
A beautiful Spring day with blue skies, white clouds and a gentle cooling breeze. To set out from Peat Cot and head down and over and up to Cramber trig point where we could see for miles and miles. All is wet underfoot, but fear not, Spring is here and it will soon dry up. Along the track to the tor then down and over by the sphere which now sports a smiley face and up to Hart.. The cool breeze encouraged a trip to Black Tor Falls for a nice sheltered cuppa. Up the tor and down to the aqueduct. Along, along the leat (no icicles now) to Crazy Well Pool and cross. Down to the main track to Older. Up and over back to the cars. Back to the Prince of Wales where the food soon arrived with lashings of chips - in fact we were all chipped out.
A very nice day to be out on our moor.