WW 25th March 2020
It appears there has been a cross overlooking Travellers' Ford for some time. Then it disappeared and then reappeared around 2007 to disappear again. And, then about two years ago it reappeared.
From Holming Beam on what would have been a most perfect evening after a lovely sunset. To follow in the lee and then along the muddy track by the fence. Over the granite blocks set by the military and, carefully keeping height, almost a direct bearing on Conies Down Tor. Quite good going up here, and then gently down to find the huge black boulder - dolerite I guess. Just in nice time to pause and watch a perfect pass of the ISS. There nestling in a crystal recess is the beautiful cross looking down over the Lych Way. Be a bit early for a cuppa so gently down to Broad Hole and to the ford itself from where the boulder really stands out. Now this is a nice sheltered spot for a cuppa. Up the Lych Way, through the wall and a little more up to wonderful Lydford Tor with views afar. With care a nice path can be taken to all the Beardown Tors and then down to the mud. Over the little bridge and back up to the cars. A pint in the Plume would have been really lovely.