WW 4th March 2020

Well we were absolutely, certainly, without doubt promised snow. And if there had been any we would certainly, absolutely, without doubt have seen it.
Out from the quarry on a very, very mild evening with hardly a breath of wind. Along to Crockern Farm and then a super, new section of path for a few yards before the ever reliable splodge. Gently up to the tall stile and along the ridge. Littaford and Longaford steadily emerged from the gloop. Of course a full traverse before dropping down, through the slot to the regular cuppa stop. Along to Higher White and then down by the wall. Eventually the track emerged to guide us round and across to Wistmans. It always seems a very long way back; perhaps with a map you could work out just how far it is? To a very welcoming Two Bridges with possibly the smallest fire in the world.

You really do have to be there ...
