TWW 3rd May 2022

A mild and brightish day as we six set off into the deep country lanes at Lambside. Green lush banks and mostly dry paths. Past curious cattle, past men and machines, up past purple orchids and on to coffee stop at Battisborough Cross where a giant egg from a Rhea was for sale !

Down the road to Mothecombe, past the thatched cottages and into the warmth of the gardens. Neat mounds of lavenders, heady perfume of wisteria, and spring blossom greeted us as we wended our way up to the very blue scented bluebell woods and badger city. Back past the big pond, bright azaleas, smug legal skunk cabbages and then lunch by the wall in welcome hot sun as we perched on granite rollers.
Coffees and ice creams next at the Schoolhouse before the ups and downs of the coast path with its craggy coves. A feast of nature's gardens now as we walked through rainbows of buttercups, thrift, daisies, scabious, bluebells and lady's slipper.
St Anchorite's Rock loomed high and forbidden above us, a type of dolerite , it makes a striking landmark.
The dry earthy path stretched into the distance and the hedge lined track to the cars was on the nearest horizon.
A lovely day and successful technology indicated 14.5 km had somehow been covered  !!
What a fit team !

You really do have to be there ...
