We arrived at Minions which looked a bit like a war zone, the pub was burnt out, no roof and blackened holes instead of windows - how sad. Then there was the stream of what at first looked like refugees, strangely clad figures, some with no shoes, some wrapped in blankets, some dragging suitcases, all very strange. The Hurlers car park was full but we managed to squeeze in on the entrance road. There were event tents set up so our ever inquisitive Jon went to find out what was going on. Apparently it was a “promotional music video” in the making.
So it was off to the Hurlers in a surprisingly cold wind. This was where the action was ( or lack of it ). Lots of thinly clad “guys” standing round being told what to do by a director in a nice warm duvet.
On to the ever spectacular Cheesewring still balancing there, despite all that the Cornish weather can throw at it. On the descent towards Sharp Tor it became apparent Stella was struggling due to having worn the ‘wrong boots’ all day previously so it was back to the car for her. A snap decision was made to shorten our route. We followed the wall from Wardbrook farm down to Withybrook Marsh which we crossed without any problems then up to the disused flooded quarry, no swimmers there tonight, was this due to the chilly wind or the sign threatening all sorts of horrors for anyone doing so - weils disease, dead animal carcasses, tics and any other nasty stuff they could think of, there didn’t seem to be any mention of crocodiles though.
Back to the cars from there with a fine setting sun behind us. The music video lot were still at it with lots of artificial smoke being generated. Brenda thought they were burning witches but the villagers probably thought another property was on fire.
Back to The Manor Inn for a pint, still busy with locals.
A rather surreal evening.