WW 18th May 2022


Just a nice normal Dartmoor evening. Sitting in the car wondering if the rain was going to stop. But no, it wasn't, plenty more on the way. So waterproofs on and out. Not so bad after all once you get going. The gentle wend up to Birch and surprise surprise no sign of the Warren House through the gloop - there's a first. Along along to the wee col and down spotting the alpacas. By Headland Warren for a chat with Daddy Alpaca; as ever looking a bit morose gazing across to the the field full of elegant ladies. And then, from the rabbit proof wall, a complete cascade of bluebells. Truly fantastic in the nice dampness. Bluebells everywhere, both sides of the valley, surely must be a bumper crop this year. No sign of the pig but the troll was resting as was the lion. The fairy gate was firmly shut so the gloopy pond for a cuppa. Round and by to admire the sheep - Shetlands crossed with Icelandic rams don't you know. By Golden Dagger on the wet track to the super camping spot. Up by all the fenced off holes and back to the car to the ever welcoming and reliable Warren House. And very welcoming they were too - except they closed at 9pm. So where to go? Prince of Wales of course, but worth just checking on the East Dart. Empty but a very warm welcome. A tad scruffy but they do serve baguettes and all - a good place for lunch. The hunting scenes are all still there - listed you know. The new owners are just settling so maybe it will get spruced up. So all in all a most pleasant bluebelly evening.

You really do have to be there ...
