TWW 21st June 2022

Another wonderful wander of botanical mindfulness through Emsworthy Mire. Unusually dry so many of the spring flowers were over and the summer ones not yet out but we did find - Heath Spotted Orchid, Bog Asphodel, Bog Pimpernel, Milkwort, Tormentil, Round Leaved Sundew, Marsh Thistle and lots of lovely Ragged Robin. Plus Bog Bean and MarshSt-John’s Wort with no flowers yet, as well as a wonderful selection of Mosses, Lichens and Grasses. After inspecting the ponds and seeing butterflies, dragon and damsel flys that I don’t know the names of we carried on past Holwell Farm. Muttering of “coffee time” were quelled as we descended into the woods down to the Becky Brook. Where - Lo! a wonderful coffee spot had been prepared for us. Then up, up, up to the field where we saw the massed Orchids last year. Still there but most past their best. Then - a shout of joy as a Red Kite was spotted, easily recognised by his forked tail. He was just enjoying floating on the thermals. Brilliant! Past the marvellously named Snodderbottom wood and up across Holwell Lawn to find a sunny spot below Greator for lunch. Then down, down, down across the Brook to go up,up,up again to wend our way back through the rocks, quarries and Tors to the cars. Another wonderful summers walk to enjoy the diversity of nature of our Dartmoor. How lucky are we? 


You really do have to be there ...
