WW 15th June 2022


Having gained permission and the padlock code from the lovely Stuart of Cornwall Wildlife Trust seven of us spent a very happy hour flower spotting in Sylvia’s Meadow and it didn’t disappoint. Even more orchids this year I think. Lesser and Greater Butterfly, still not easy to tell the difference. Apparently the Lesser has a narrow tongue and a straight spur while the Greater has a narrow lip and a long curved spur. So now you know! There were also lots of Southern Marsh, again causing some questioning on identification as the colour variation was from deep pink/purple fading to almost white. The Heath Spotted were easier as they have spotted leaves. We then headed down to Calstock to walk through the beautiful woods to Cotehele passing the boat yard and the little pottery selling lovely blue pottery. Somehow the first hill was a lot steeper than when I did it last. Our coffee stop overlooked the river and the iconic railway bridge. Onward to the little Chapel. It was commissioned by Sir Richard Edgecombe of Cotehele in 1483 in thanks for escaping the clutches of the men of King Richard III whom he’d lead a rebellion against earlier. Sir Richard was a clever Dick though. He threw his hat in the river so thinking he had drowned all the Kings men left allowing him to escape to France. He reclaimed his Estate after King Richard was deposed by Henry Tudor who became King Henry V11. History lecture over!! We made our way back to Calstock and on to the ever welcoming Rifle volunteer for a refreshing pint. 



You really do have to be there ...
