TWW 7th June 2022


The road to our Combestone Tor RV was shrouded in mist and drizzle, it didn’t look great for the scenic route I planned, but things quickly changed as they do on Dartmoor!

With clearing skies and a hint of sunshine we set off right on time from the Tor proceeding down to Combestone Farm where huge blocks of granite formed a small farm yard outside the barn that housed no animals inside. From here we headed for Holne Moor Leat that would guide us on our route to Venford Reservoir and waterworks. Along this stretch to our left ran the snaking River Dart flowing freely through a depth valley gorge passing Blackpool and Luckey Tor, a Tor of which we overlooked whilst taking in a welcome cuppa and distant views.

Talking of water works, the toilets at Venford are now conveniently open, a welcome stop for a few of us before we crossed the road to follow the wrought iron perimeter fence that separated the moor from the reservoir. This section shared a delight of birdsong with us from Skylarks to even cuckoos and what might have been an owl box fixed high in a tree. Some say it is good luck to have money in your pocket when you hear a cuckoo; whatever you are doing when you hear a cuckoo, you should repeat throughout the year as the call was a sign that the particular activity will be beneficial - I’m sure we will all keep walking as long as we can for this benefit!

Once past the surprisingly long fence we climbed steady upward to locate once again Holne Moor Leat that we followed until it turned away at a Leat junction. I was told it has a special name that I have now forgotten, but I’m sure I’ll be put right on this when we next walk again!

From here we were amazed with stunning views to our right across emerald green fields and onward to the coast and Teignmouth. It was a grand stopping place for our picnic, to sit eat, take in the vista and for some to have a wrestling bout with a huge OS map that ‘helped’ to pinpoint distant manmade and environmental objects.

Lunch consumed we headed off ever upward skirting Holne Moor Ridge for the Sandy Way Track that would take us to Horn’s Cross where our group picture was taken before safely completing the day’s route back at the start RV.


You really do have to be there ...
