TWW 26th July 2022


Such a lovely day, if we weren't all retired it might have even been like a holiday.
Over on the bouncy ferry and up to the house. Round and by where the little fire engine used to be and past the camellias. Over the top where the grass is pretty parched to find the location of a Peace Vase - 6,200 of them to be buried all around the world. On to Maker Church - a fine viewpoint. Down through the fields of oats and sweetcorn to wend our way up to Maker Heights. All most interesting with geodesic tents set up to support holidays for those living with autism. By the barracks where lots seems to be going on, to The Canteen in the Nissen huts. Most politely stopped for a quick coffee and flapjack but one just could not resist a full meal. Down and by to Kingsand and Cawsand where the summer hols were in full flow. Two brave souls went for a swim while others succumbed to fish and chips. Back along the coast by the Picklecombe folly for a photo (again). The black bees were certainly buzzing and by then we had missed the 4p.m. ferry. Just what can we do? Have an ice cream of course! The next ferry duly arrived and we had a nice bouncy trip back to the mainland.
A jolly nice day out indeed.

You really do have to be there ...
