WW 13th July 2022


A perfect summer's evening.

To set out from the Scout Hut to head steadily, steadily up to Eylesbarrow. Plenty of clouds and a sun strong enough to force its way through. Gently, gently over to Higher Hart and a nice spot for a cuppa. Down to Drizzlecombe, the standing stones and Giant's Grave. Through the bracken and the spoil tips to a very tiny Plym. Over the ford by Shavercombe Tor, along the old leat to Shavercombe Falls. Barely a trickle but very pretty nonetheless - the sycamore tree seems to be thriving. Up and out and over and down toward Ditsworthy Warren with the sun very reluctant to set. Round and by Edward's Path as the sun dipped between Gutter Tor and Sheepstor (I have never seen that before). At the Scout Hut some soldiers were limbering up (standing about chatting) for a night exercise. Not much chance of that as the full Buck Moon was soon to rise. 

On to the Royal Oak, where a few locals were propping up the bar, for a very nice cooling pint. A most pleasant evening to be out.

You really do have to be there ...
