WW 27th July 2022


A gentle stroll to the top of Cox tor (long slog) to the top of the world to inspect the trig point (there was a deliciously edible one on the table at Saturday's BBQ) and to gaze at the truly magnificent views.
Looking towards the cairn and pillow mounds something strange was spotted. Another architectural structure. Closer Inspection was needed, a clever bit of engineering skills had built a stone stack beautifully balanced. Very clever. Let's hope DNP allow this to stay. Its not ye olde original Dartmoor ya know!! ⚽
Over to Beckamoor Dip to gaze at the shallow muddy pool, very much depleted. How can that be we wondered, its usually overflowing and seen in murky mist.
Reaching Roos was so easy no darkness or fog to hinder us. The flag was up waving its warning, can't think why, no sound or movement, just us slurping our drinks. ⚽⚽
Wind was a bit chilly, so we were off to the majestic Great Staple tor, what a landmark that is. Down to Middle Staple and then little Staple, what a trio. The cars were in sight and we scattered in different directions to meet up by the roadside. Funny how walking gets faster when the pub is the next destination!
Back to the Whitty for whatever we fancied and a good chat. ⚽
Short and sweet but satisfying.

You really do have to be there ...
