The sun was shining, but there was a cool breeze – ideal weather for a walk. We left the Fox and Hounds and headed up the track to Nodden Gate. Through the gate, and off in the direction of Great Nodden. After skirting round on the peat works tramway to the west of it (saving our energy for later), we followed the course of the River Lydd till we reached the upper traverse of the tramway. Once across the river we headed up hill to Gren Tor. Here there was a debate as to whether it was time for coffee, but those in need of refreshment won the day. Suitably revitalized, we followed the track over the horizon to Hunt Tor. The logan stone provided plenty of amusement for a “group rock”! Heading south-westward down the slope we encountered a lone walker (the only one we were to see on the open moor all morning). Across the tramway and a steady assent to Links Tor. Here we posed for the obligatory “team photo”, before descending to Arms Tor. The sharp eyed spotted a number of Devil’s coach horse beetles (Staphylinus olens) which were rather reluctant to pose for the camera. From Arms Tor, we headed north to avoid the clitter before picking up a track back to the Lydd. Thanks to the recent dry weather the river was easy to ford, and in no time we were back at the Fox for a well-earned lunch (including chips which were much improved from our last couple of meals here!)