TWW 26th September 2023

 The forecast was for light showers followed by thunderstorms - be prepared!

The red bus turned up right on time and the kind driver let the elderly delay scanning their bus passes. Into a very quiet Old Police Station CafĂ© for a very nice breakfast accompanied by the mandatory Henderson's. Time to wrap up and face all the elements could throw at us. Along the track to South Hessary with the odd glimpse of sunshine far, far away. The trig point bobbed in and out of the mist on the ridge but was soon attained. Over to bog bean central to check all is well and on to Cramber Tor. Down the track and most niftily across Hart Tor Brook; a nice sheltered spot for some snacks by the hairy stone. Up to Hart Tor as the weather eased and the promise of sunshine. Down and over the plank and up to Black. By now it was getting really warm, so up to Leeden and along by Little Leeden to admire all the stone circles and standing stones. So back to the cars on what was quite a summery day, not a spot of rain and very warm. However the cunims were building as we headed home - a foretaste of a storm to come?

You really do have to be there ...
