WW 20th September 2023


Short but Sweet
It really was a gentle walk this time on a gentle evening. We set off from the the Old Plough, the river as still as a mill pond, the tide coming in. No wind, a pleasant 14 degrees.
Up the road towards the  Shutecombe track but not that way this time. The next footpath opposite the playing field. An old country lane lead us to the footpath across fields but it was lost among the giant maize so we walked around the edge and eventually found the road. Then up towards Shanghai-La but not for us tonight, turning right through Hole Farm and down into Hallowell woods, finally popping out on the road to find our way back to the village along the river. The tide high now and getting quite dimpsy. The Lower track was well under water so we took the higher footpath. It was magical. Mist over the river like a Turner painting with half submerged old boats. So quiet we could hear a robin singing his goodnight, an owl, geese and ducks and the distant sounds of traffic from Tamerton Folliet. Not far as the crow flies.
And so back to the Pub. Open but quiet too, not the vibrant pub of Maggie’s monster pies I remember from the past.

You really do have to be there ...
