TWW 19th November 2024


A classic Dartmoor day for a walk, grey skies and driving rain that held us in our cars until the last five minutes before start time. The rain was coming down sideways and in ‘cats and dogs’ which at least suited my furry walking companion today who couldn’t wait to get going to chase raindrops.


Skirting the Kings Oven he headed up to and across Hurston Ridge, that although very wet under foot, at least provided us with some long distant views, and a bonus of decreasing rain, but not wind. Our target for this section being the Fernworthy Reservoir car park that was to be the gateway to the below dam trail and the rest of the walk.


As one or two of our group, no names of course, were already feeling thirsty, so not to be cruel, we decided to refresh ourselves with a cuppa at an adjacent hut circle overlooking the choppy water and to some extent our stone seats were out of the wind.


Setting off once again, we could see the water cascading down the overflowing dam and into the stream below. Water that was no doubt cold enough to freeze the vital parts off a brass monkey, so a dip was off limits!


Eventually we came out onto the tarmac road that surrounds part of the reservoir and then up and into the forest to Assycombe and the stone row found set amongst the trees, a stone row ‘tided up’ by past Victorians, they did mean well though!


During our time in the forest, we were sheltered from the effects of the strong wind. This was to drastically change when we were again on open moorland heading up to the cairn on top of Water Hill, by now the weather had once again turned back to driving rain and hail, so we all decided to go straight to the Warren Inn, seeking shelter, a warm fire, and a few calories before returning to our cars and home.



You really do have to be there ...
