TWW 5th November 2024


I do love it when an objective is achieved,  Two Brothers Adit!!!
What a great find, shame we couldn't climb into it, water rather deep at this time of year.
So...,.. we set off from CP below peat cot down the long muddy track to the lonely, spooky Nuns Cross Farm, good place to have a party,👻
Taking a rough path following the devonport leat to the left over several clappers before leaving the leat and following another rough and muddy path and turning roughly north to find the  Headless cross at Whealham bottom. What intriguing name eh?
Turning north up the hill to find another tiny cross with an intriguing history!!
A lesson on using map and compass by the group's elders 😂  set us on the correct course. You try keeping on course when all there is to go by are clumps of grass.
In the meantime flocks of wonderful golden plover gave us a wonderful show.
Finally down towards the great and interesting Eylesbarrow tin mine, Plym Ford  in the distance.
In amongst all the workings seemed a nice place for much needed coffee stop before setting of to find THE ADIT !
Reaching the end of old buildings looking towards Deancombe, Sheepstor and that old favourite Drizzlecombe, we started searching for my desired objective, made it more difficult because a lot of workings were fenced off.
But I knew Two Brothers wasn't.
We all spread out in the search, but again the elders found it first. Yay, it's beautiful, the water was so clear but a little too deep to venture in.  Rather dark too, pitch black I'd say.
So all the excitement over it was back to the cars by various ways, my way, following an old wall back to Eylesbarrow rock and the cobra and follow the boundary stones back to the cars.
The Plume was full, (makes a change) where most of us had something different from our much loved baguettes. The service was very quick and we were made welcome.
I must find more adits !¡!!!


You really do have to be there ...
