WW 27th November 2024


It's back -  and a jolly fine evening for a sighting. So swiftly up to Yennadon to get a clear view to the west. And there it was, soaring over as bright as ever - brilliant. Down to Burrator Halt and along to check on the leaf catcher - doing a good job. Along the leat and down the road to the track round the reservoir. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the signal red crayfish or even the splash of an otter - no luck. So, popping out at Northsworthy and up the track. All quiet with stars aplenty. To the always wonderful Lethertor Bridge and round. Up past the cave and back to the leat. The track now has to divert as a huge tree has come down - last weekend I guess. So, steadily back to Lowery Cross. A fine evening to be out on the moor.

You really do have to be there ...
