WW 6th November 2024


Dunnabridge pound.
It doesn’t always work out the way you want it to! The moors were clouded in thick mist, it was raining that fine rain you get with mist, and of course it was very dark.
The track up towards Laughter Hole Farm was easy enough to follow, then left up the wall towards Laughter Tor. A momentary lack of concentration (these seem to be more frequent as age creeps on) meant we followed the wrong wall for a bit. Back on track the path across to the Tor was obvious. After wandering amongst the various tors we started downhill towards the main gate into the forest. What started as a small but clear path deteriorated into something much less obvious and very slow going. When we did eventually get into the woods and followed the main ride round to the steep steps up towards Bellever Tor time was getting on. So no visit to the tor, just a slog along the wall, past the Marine's memorial, to the gate in the corner which is now thankfully unlocked. Again handrailing the wall we got back to the cars in time for a pint.
Not the cleverest of walks but good to be out in some real Dartmoor weather.


You really do have to be there ...
