Now that really was amazing, we were there and we still do not believe it. Out on a bright, warm, sunny day, bowling along over our moor, and then, from nowhere at all, a great big black cloud, and then out of nowhere at all it started to snow, yes really, really snow, proper snow, that lay by the roadside. I mean, we were there, and we still do not believe it.
So, to Holne Brake and down to the River Bovey to be welcomed by the truly wonderful Packsaddle Bridge with the water gleaming in the sunshine. Flowers everywhere; bluebells, yellow archangel, vetches, stitchwort, campions, herb robert and all and the beautiful spotted orchids as well. Round to wander the back lanes of Lustleigh, a true delight. To the church and on to the orchard for a cuppa where the children played and the May Queen's chair awaited. Round by the amazing stone filled gardens and down through the woods to the bridge again. A slight up to the cars and on to a very welcoming Kestor Inn.
A proper nice walk!