WW 19th April 2017

Starting from Harford Moor Gate we walked back down the road past the church to Harford Bridge and then through the gate to follow the river.  A climb up through some rough ground to get to Tristis Rock just as the sun was about to disappear. On and upwards to Hillson's House. Then a direct route east to the River Erme.  As we reached the steep bit down it was noticed that Cassie (the dog) had gone missing (she has done this before). Kevin decided to go back to Hillson's House to try and find her. We continued down and crossed the river just north of Piles Copse. As we started to go up Cassie appeared! Around Piles Corner and on to Sharp Tor. We could see Kevin's head torch below but couldn't communicate with him - except by a series of flashes. We met up with him near Piles Gate and he was reunited with Cassie who was put on the lead. A direct route back to the car park and on to the very accommodating Cornwood Inn. 

or ...

You really do have to be there ...
