TWW 21st May 2019

Wonderful, ideal weather had been ordered.  Dry, sunny with a nice cooling breeze.  The committee eventually convened, dodging the hoards as that there Park had advertised the blue wonders and the whole world and his (white haired) wife had arrived.  The route was decided and off we went to check that the tadpoles, newts and leeches were still there.  On to Smallacombe rocks for a cuppa and to admire the views, far and wide, of blue.
We then headed off down the hill only to discover we had mislaid one of our four legged friends. Search and rescue were dispatched and when found the committee reconvened again and route number 4 (or was it 5) decided on.  Straight there we said – several damp and prickly minutes later I knew it was not a good day to have decided to wear shorts!
Eventually our goal was reached and they were wonderful, even better than last year, a great sea of blue with the obligatory orange roof in the middle. 
Onwards and upwards, with some of us doing an impersonation of creeping sheep. Back to the cars and on to the Rugglestone for a lovely lunch in the sunny garden.

You really do have to be there ...
